Blog 3. My dream job

Hello everyone! Today I'll be writing about my dream job. Since I was a kid I know I liked animals. I used to enjoy those animals tops programs like "The most extreme", where you learn about topics like the faster or the stronger animal and usually I ended up surprised. It was from there I discover I was interested in biology and the nature in general.

For a long time I wanted to study something related to biology like veterinary medicine and so help and heal, but being a vet is also see a lot of suffering and for me would be hard to deal with it. Finally I decide to study arts, but even if isn't in that professional way I think I would have a really good time in any job that consist in sharing with animals or being in the nature, like pet and nature photography.

Other thing I know I like was drawing, so I considered scientific illustration as a career opportunity but I just didn't follow that path, regardless I still draw some animals in my free time, but in a more artistic way. And also until now I consume content about biology and various related topics. 

And that's it, thank you for reading!


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