
Blog 3. My dream job

Hello everyone! Today I'll be writing about my  dream job. Since I was a kid I know I liked animals. I used to enjoy those animals tops programs like "The most extreme", where you learn about topics like the faster or the stronger animal and usually I ended up surprised. It was from there I discover I was interested in biology and the nature in general. For a long time I wanted to study something related t o biology like  veterinary  medicine and so help and heal,  but being a vet is also see a lot of suffering and for me would be hard to deal with it.  F inally I decide to study arts, but e ven if isn't in that professional  way I think I would have a really good time in any job that consist in sharing with animals or being in the nature, like  pet and nature photography. Other thing I know I like was drawing, so I considered scientific illustration as a career opportunity  but I just didn't follow that path, regardless I still draw some animals in my free time,

Blog 2. The Best holiday

  Hello everyone! T oday I'll be  writing about the best holiday I ever had.  Mine was in 2017, I went with my cousin to the national park Radal siete tazas, located in Molina, Maule. The park is know for the different waterfalls, those are Velo de la novia, Siete tazas and Salto la leona, the two first have a balcony, but the only able to swim is Salto la leona.  One of the activities were trekking, the park have several trails for tour, so we walked visiting the different balconies, ending in Salto la Leona waterfall where we rest and swim. We stay in a camping near by the park, there we set out tent and do another activities like cooking outdoors and playing board games in the afternoons. We also went to a near river, there the water was very cold given that it comes direct from the Andes mountain. I went there to experience a camping trip for the first time, and there was also a challenge to disconnect from the nature so we don't use our phones during the trip. I had a real

Blog 1. A country I would like to visist

Hello everyone! Today  I'll be  writing about a country I would like to visit.  If I ever had the opportunity to travel to another country I definitely would choose Italy, here I am going to explain the reasons. On first place is the architecture, Italy have a lot of monuments, some like the coliseum in Roma, the Pisa tower and the Duomo in Milan. I'd love to explore the different architectonic styles like romanic, gothic, byzantine and others, and also review again the history that them contain. Another great reason are the museums, in Italy are so many museums, in some of them are the most recognized masterpieces of the renaissance and baroque artists. Those artworks are a big reference for the majority of visual artists and an important part of art history. O n them I learn a lot and being able to see them in person would completely change the perspective I have of them. There's also the language, I have been interested in Italian for a long time, I think that listen